Bekijk hier de opnames van Legendary Leaders
Hier is de tekst die je dagelijks mag herhalen/op je spiegel plakken:
The Choice is Mine
I choose to live by choice, not chance.
I choose to listen to my heart, not my logical mind.
I choose to make changes, not excuses.
I choose to be motivated, not manipulated.
I choose to be positive, not focused on the negative.
I choose to be useful, not used or abused.
I choose clarity on my boundaries, not suppression.
I choose self-esteem, not self-pity.
I choose to excel, not compete.
I choose to be the best I can be, not merely comfortable.
I choose to believe I am here with a purpose, not just existing.
I choose to listen to the inner voice, not the random opinion of others.
I choose to live from love, not from fear.
My choice is mine, and I choose from free will to surrender to the will of the
Divine Mind, for in surrendering I am victorious.
So I choose to have no choice by allowing the Divine Powers to work through
me. That is my choice.